How to determine if the AC Adapter Power Supply Charger you have been sold is a fake counterfeit or the real deal. The country is being flooded with cheap, knockoff, junk AC Adapters. They are very dangerous, because they are made of substandard components. They can internally combust (catch fire) without any warnings. The fake AC Adapters look genuine, but don't be fooled by the label. I estimate that 95% of the AC Adapters sold on Ebay are fake. The fake AC Adapters used in my public service announcements were purchased on ebay. Ebay has systematically driven the sellers of genuine brand name products from its site in favor of the counterfeit sellers who operate out out of the same area as Ebay. Almost all fake ebay adapters come in through San Francisco. I firmly believe the counterfeit sellers are loosely connected and that they have connections with people working at Ebay. From my experience I learned that If you report a seller to Ebay for selling counterfeit AC Adapters, Ebay will punish you in retaliation for making the report. The same gang of criminals that operate out of Ebay also sell their garbage to almost every website in the US selling AC Adapters. is one of the few sellers left who knows how to determine counterfeits from clever knockoffs, and does not associate with the criminal network pushing fakes all over the US and the world. The US government refuses to act even though they know what's up. Can't offend the Chinese ...
How to Detect fake knockoff counterfeit IBM AC Adapter form genuine Power Supply
Posted by
Martha Davis
Sunday, September 30, 2012
at 12:16 AM Labels: Adapter, counterfeit, Detect, Genuine, knockoff, Supply
How to Detect fake knockoff counterfeit IBM AC Adapter form genuine Power Supply Video Clips. Duration : 1.98 Mins.
How to determine if the AC Adapter Power Supply Charger you have been sold is a fake counterfeit or the real deal. The country is being flooded with cheap, knockoff, junk AC Adapters. They are very dangerous, because they are made of substandard components. They can internally combust (catch fire) without any warnings. The fake AC Adapters look genuine, but don't be fooled by the label. I estimate that 95% of the AC Adapters sold on Ebay are fake. The fake AC Adapters used in my public service announcements were purchased on ebay. Ebay has systematically driven the sellers of genuine brand name products from its site in favor of the counterfeit sellers who operate out out of the same area as Ebay. Almost all fake ebay adapters come in through San Francisco. I firmly believe the counterfeit sellers are loosely connected and that they have connections with people working at Ebay. From my experience I learned that If you report a seller to Ebay for selling counterfeit AC Adapters, Ebay will punish you in retaliation for making the report. The same gang of criminals that operate out of Ebay also sell their garbage to almost every website in the US selling AC Adapters. is one of the few sellers left who knows how to determine counterfeits from clever knockoffs, and does not associate with the criminal network pushing fakes all over the US and the world. The US government refuses to act even though they know what's up. Can't offend the Chinese ...
How to determine if the AC Adapter Power Supply Charger you have been sold is a fake counterfeit or the real deal. The country is being flooded with cheap, knockoff, junk AC Adapters. They are very dangerous, because they are made of substandard components. They can internally combust (catch fire) without any warnings. The fake AC Adapters look genuine, but don't be fooled by the label. I estimate that 95% of the AC Adapters sold on Ebay are fake. The fake AC Adapters used in my public service announcements were purchased on ebay. Ebay has systematically driven the sellers of genuine brand name products from its site in favor of the counterfeit sellers who operate out out of the same area as Ebay. Almost all fake ebay adapters come in through San Francisco. I firmly believe the counterfeit sellers are loosely connected and that they have connections with people working at Ebay. From my experience I learned that If you report a seller to Ebay for selling counterfeit AC Adapters, Ebay will punish you in retaliation for making the report. The same gang of criminals that operate out of Ebay also sell their garbage to almost every website in the US selling AC Adapters. is one of the few sellers left who knows how to determine counterfeits from clever knockoffs, and does not associate with the criminal network pushing fakes all over the US and the world. The US government refuses to act even though they know what's up. Can't offend the Chinese ...
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